Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pink Flamingos

I was sitting on my couch, polishing my toes, when Bob comes runing down the stairs! Scared me to death! She went straight to the office window and got up on her back feet (almost remineded me of a meerkat). Then she would run to another window, then another, holding the same stance. I couldn't figure it out. I asked myself, "Do I really want to know?" And you know what they say, "Curiosity Killed the Cat" Ahhhh, but satisfaction brought him back so.... to the window I went.
Cow Birds everywhere!!! I wanted to have a little fun so, out went Bob. Kitten could care less; old age! Bob crept down the steps and stalked like a lion. But alas, she was not stealthy enough or she was just too anxious. A cowbird squaked and she bolted; up they all went and there she sat; bewildered! Oh well, perhaps I should buy some pink flamingos for her to practice stalking!

1 comment:

David said...

It's a good thing you don't have mice... or maybe you do and they escape Bob also. lol

Shame you did not get a picture of Bob stalking the birds.

LOve the story.