Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Breed

Labrador Retriever
The Caretaker
Your family is what makes you tick, and you never "flea" from an opportunity to hang out with the whole gang. A family picnic complete with hot dogs, deviled eggs and a refreshing swim in the lake is hard for you to stray from. Your sparky temperament and dogged intelligence mean you are not only a blast to hang out with, but great to work with as well. Your close pals appreciate your patience and forgiveness, knowing you'd rather let sleeping dogs lie than dwell on the mishaps of the past. Your dashing good looks may one day lead to a modelling career, if only you can tame the unfortunate clumsiness that sometimes causes you to go flailing from the catwalk. Learn more »
So it is a good match up for me! It is pretty much right on!


Shannon said...

You and Dave both! Funny that both of you are cat people and yet you took the time to take this quiz to find out what kind of dog you would be. Maybe you aer both secret dog lovers! Woof woof!

Jenn said...

CRAP, Obama won your poll! What is the world coming to!

David said...

Holly Crap!! The world is going to be a better palce.

Terio said...

I need more people to come and vote and save the world!