Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Where Have All the Years Gone?

Tracy Leigh Mullins (Right)
November 7, 1965-April 23, 1984

I can not begin to believe that it has been 24 years that Tracy was taken from us. I find myself thinking more and more about mortality these days. I guess it must be a sign of old age. I miss her and I wonder what she would have become in life; who she would have married and how many kids she would have. Life is not permanent. Cherish every day. Jennifer, you have the poem; why don't you post it on your blog; I would love to read it again.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

It is actually at Juanita's house, or in your house! I don't know where my belongings have been shifted to but it is with my picture frames and photo albums!