Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's Going On

School. WOrk. Work. Work.
HAve I told you all that I am teaching a group of 4th graders math this year? I am enjoying it for the exception of missing out on my 1st graders. I hope that I get a differnt schedule next year. I am also the Jr. Beta Sponsor. We are sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on Feb. 19th. Our goal is 60 Units but my personal goal is 100. I think we can do it if all our car riders parents come early. I was thinking about setting up cookies and coffee and maybe some OJ. I'm also the yearbook editor. I spent this past weekend putting the pages together. I have it all laid out now all I have to do is get the pictures on the pages. I am planning on doing that this Saturday when I am at the Governor's Cup. Oh, I am also th eAcademic coach for 6th Grade as well as the JV Middle school Academic coach. Our 6th grade team came in second in the region and now our Middle School Team plays with 4 of our 6th graders on their JV team. I am our school's Relay for Life team captain and we have our big fund raiser coming up the end of February. We are selling portrait packages for $10.00 which we get to keep. The company gets their profit from the sell of additional packages. I also sit on the Freinds of the Library board as the treasurer. We have been trying to get a library here in Livingston County for the past two years. We are very close. We have a meeting on Tuesday with the Fisical Court. They are either going to approve the 4 million joint County Offices building or they are going to cut the library and only build the County Offices. I will keep you posted. I still have to do my REAL job as a library Media Specialist! I thought teaching was suppose to be a 8 to 3 job? Yea, right!


Shannon said...

Yep, don't miss teaching! Or rather I do miss the kids and seeing that ah-ha moment when they finally get something, but all the extra BS, the schedule from hell, the homework, nope don't miss it a bit!

Danny said...

Good luck on all of that. It sound like you have enough to stay busy. I hope the blood drive goes well. I did a triple donation of platelets today.