Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh What a Difference 24 Hours Make

As the day wore on, the ice continued to fall. Sleeting, Freezing rain, all Day! Elisha and her kids came over around 10:00 because they did not have electricity and I did!! Yea! I should not have gloated too much for so long. By 4:00, I too, did not have electricity.
When outside, you could hear the trees falling to the ground, literally. Every two minutes, you could hear a loud crackling followed by a crash. And another tree or limb was down. By the next morning, it was like a war zone outside with a 4 inch blanket of snow on top! A tornado could not have left so much tree destruction to so many!

Delmus's Side YardLooking at Delmus's Yard from across the streetDelmus's beautiful Red Bud.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Umm. Are those Christmas lights hanging on the little white house? I know it's still snowing and all but, it's been over a month. Just in case you didn't get the memo...renters or not, it's still YOUR house. Dang rednecks, you need some better renters...LOL